Saturday, November 16, 2019

Letters C, N, O Activities

I love how this year I have been sticking to my new focused centers by incorporating a board game to go with the letter of the week!

Cc Week!

Board Game: CandyLand (of course!)
Art: Mixing primary colors to see what new secondary colors they make
Technology/Listening Center: Corduroy (then they had to highlight all of the C's on a page copied from the story

Nn Week!

Board Game: No Apologies (like the game Sorry)
Art: Gluing numbers 1-10 onto a giant N
Technology/Listening Center: The Napping House (and then they drew themselves in a bed with something they like to snuggle with)

Oo Week!

Board game: Operation!
Technology/Listening Center: Octonauts and the Octopus 

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