Tuesday, March 31, 2020

ELA Week #1 Distance Learning

I officially have completed the first week of lesson plans for ELA during this distance learning hoopla. I got some of my inspiration for my lessons from my district's adopted curriculum, Wonders. My class is currently on Unit 9 Week 1. Here are the videos and lessons I came up with for my kiddos! I definitely had fun teaching the long vowel A. But I super flippin' miss my kids in person!

Day 1
Day 1 Lesson

Assignment: Write challenge - "Can you help?"

Day 2
Day 2 Lesson

Magic "e" Stars

Assignment: Write and illustrate, can vs. cane

Day 3
Day 3 Lesson

Assignment: Write and illustrate, cake & lake.

Day 4

Day 4 Lesson

Assignment: Writing challenge - "I can help at the lake."

Day 5

Day 5 Lesson

Assignment: Write a complete sentence using the word "help" and writing about how you help out your family at home.

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