Thursday, March 26, 2020

1st Attempt at Distance Learning

So I just have to say that this whole quarantine shenanigans has really got me down in so many ways. I really miss my students, teaching in person, my classroom, and just all things!

This week my district has started distance learning. I have discovered that I'm not as tech savvy as I thought I was! We've started using ZOOM for our staff meetings and I started using GOOGLE CLASSROOM to post videos and assignments for my kindergarteners.

Today is day 9 being out of school...and so far I have posted one math and one language arts lesson. Out of curiosity I wanted to see if they would load on my blog! So here we go!

My first ELA lesson is a quick dictation writing lesson reviewing important things you need when writing a sentence.

My first math lesson was reviewing composing and decomposing numbers with jewels.

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