Monday, January 27, 2014

100th Day Success

Here is a panoramic of my room this morning all decorated for the 100th Day and the rainbow cupcakes I made. We started the day with centers all about the 100:
-I can write about what I would buy with $100
-I can build with 100 blocks
-I can count to 100, they got a certificate that they joined the "100 Club"
-I can count to 100 by 10s, cut & paste worksheet 
-I am 100 days smarter crown, wrote to 100 by 10s on sentence strip and attached a colored crown 
-I can illustrate 100, used paint and q-tips to paint gum balls into machines

THEN the party continued....
-100 second name challenge, how many times can you write your name in 100 seconds
-100 fruit loop necklace
-parachute fun with 100 balls
-egg pass using spoons, the 100th person with the egg wins


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