Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Math Headbands Game

Instead of doing math centers today I decided to play a math headbands game that I made to get my 27 squirmy worms moving around. I gave each child an equation card (I forgot to make sentence strips for the headbands so I improvised and taped the equations on the kids). They had to walk around with their paper and solve their friends equations to find someone that had each answer 0-11. They loved it and it kept them busy for quite a long time. I was worried they might not enjoy it or be over it quickly. They were upset when I had to finally stop the game so we could clean up to go home! You can get the math headbands game here:
On a completely different topic. I hung up our frog project today. I love them! I got the frog project free from a unit that I got from Deanna Jump when I attended the Southern California Kindergarten Conference. I highly recommend her Frog Frenzy unit. My kids really enjoyed learning about frogs. Unfortunately, I was gone the day my kids made their frogs and my sub apparently didn't help the kids very much which is why some of them look a little odd. Lol but oh well that just makes each lil frog unique right??? :)

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